
Reinhard Zimmermann, Simon Whittaker, Good Faith in European Contract Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2000 (ISBN 9780521088039)

James Gordley, The Enforceability of Promises in European Contract Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2001 (ISBN 9780521108683)

Mauro Bussani, Vernon V. Palmer, Pure Economic Loss in Europe, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2003 (ISBN 9780521180054)

Eva-Maria Kieninger, Security Rights in Movable. Property in European Private Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2004 (ISBN 0-521-83967-X) and 2009 (ISBN-13: 9780521104142)

Franz Werro and Vernon V. Palmer, The Boundaries of Strict Liability in European Tort Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Stämpfli-Carolina Academic Press, 2004 (ISBN 1-59460-005-8 / 9781594600043)

Ruth Sefton-Green, Mistake, Fraud and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2005 (ISBN 0-521-84423-1) and 2009 (ISBN-13: 9780521093101)

Michele Graziadei, Ugo Mattei, Lionel Smith, Commercial Trusts in European Private Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2005 (ISBN 0-521-84919-5) and 2009 (ISBN 9780521849197)

Barbara Pozzo, Property and Environment - Old and New Remedies to Protect Natural Resources in the European Context, Stämpfli-Carolina Academic Press, 2007 (ISBN 9781594603327)

Mauro Bussani, Ugo Mattei, Opening Up European Law, The Common Core Project (Bern, Staempfli, 2007, ISBN 9783727220296)

Thomas Möllers and Andreas Heinemann, The Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2008 (ISBN 9780521181563)

Monika Hinteregger , Environmental Liability and Ecological Damage in European Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2008 (ISBN 9780521889971)

Mauro Bussani, Franz Werro, European Private Law: A Handbook, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Stämpfli-Carolina Academic Press, 2009 (ISBN 9781594605550)

Gert Brüggemeier, Aurelia Colombi Ciacchi and Patrick O'Callaghan (eds), Personality Rights in European Tort Law, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (ISBN 9780521194914).

John Cartwright and Martijn Hesselink, Precontractual Liability in European Private Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2011 (ISBN 9780521183949)

Ewoud Hondius, Hans Christoph Grigoleit (eds), Unexpected Circumstances in European Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2011 (ISBN 9781107003408)

Cornelius Van Der Merwe, Alain-Laurent Verbeke (eds), Time Limited Interests in Land in European Law, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Cambridge University Press, 2012 (ISBN 9781107026124)

Mauro Bussani, Franz Werro, European Private Law: A Handbook, Volume II, "The Common Core of European Private Law", Stämpfli-Carolina Academic Press, 2014 (ISBN 9781611634860)

L. Antoniolli, F. Fiorentini and J. Gordley, A Factual Assessment of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (2/2010) 58 Am. J. Comp. L. 343-358. Online Book Order (ISBN 9783866531222)

M. Infantino, M. Bussani and F. Werro, The Common Core Sound. Short Notes on Themes, Harmonies and Disharmonies of European Tort Law (2009) 20 King's Law Journal 239 ff., available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1452658

M. Bussani, U. Mattei (eds), The Common Core of European Contract Law. Essays on the Project (The Hague, London, New York, Kluwer Law International, 2002 (repr. 2003), ISBN 9041118527)

U. Mattei, A. Pradi (eds), Rudolf B. Schlesinger: Memories (Trento, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, 2000, ISBN 8884430011)

M. Bussani, U. Mattei, Making European Law. Essays on the Common Core Project (Trento, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, 2000, ISBN 88-8443-097-6), a volume collecting essays devoted to the project of leading comparativists: R. Sacco (Torino), U. Drobnig (Hamburg), M.A. Eisenberg (Berkeley), J.R. Gordley (Berkeley), A. Hartkamp (Amsterdam), E. Hondius (Utrecht), C. Joerges (Florence), H. Koetz (Hamburg), M. Shapiro (Berkeley)